February Blog

Howdy folks …

February has been quite the month of ups and downs.

I still have a hangover of euphoria from the release of my Christmas song tempered with some of the reviews I have read from music blogs around the world. These reviews were not the best but I must look at them as a learning tool. And on the other side, I am still getting congrats on a job well done.

To the downside, we received news from the BC Government that the COVID protocols will be held in place thru March 21 sometime which means my recording studio is closed for now. My plans to move forward are delayed. But I did receive a message from Rick at Mountainview Studios that he wants to get together to start recording my next MONSTER HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA………take a bite of that.

Since hearing from Rick, I have found loads of positive universal energy flying around me. I have received good feedback on my Xmas song from friends. I have connected with fellow musicians looking to do some co-writing work. I have started to set the groundwork to making a video for my next song to be released. I have written more words for songs. So currently flying high within this positive energy.


So have finished off the month of February on a positive note. Heard from Rick and was able to get back to the recording studio to lay down the main track for the next song in line. Bobcat Blues. Just waiting on a female artist to do the main vocals. While that is in the works, I now turn my mind as to what to record next!

There are a few other musicians out there who are looking to start up some avenues for live music. I have been asked to join in and I look forward to participating. Also I will be looking into various venues to book some gigs and hopefully get back to performing. Will see how the next few months unfold. Fingers crossed.

Lots of talk around here at my house about camping this summer. Being out in nature is where I do some of my best writing. The real emotional stuff – center of my soul kinda songs. Open to nature, open to mother earth and available to the universe.

This year is looking good.

Take good care and be safe.

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